As of late
Kicking into gear for my favorite season- FALL! I am very excited for all the trips we have planned and the people we get to see. The first few months of marriage have been complete bliss. We have been focused on getting everything organized in our house, making sure both sides of our families are up-to-date with all our happenings, and filling our tummies with many delicious things I have been cooking up.

We are also feeling very excited that we are buying our very first home! I have been on searching for the perfect house like an absolute crazy woman. I mean, ALL I am asking for is a gourmet kitchen, a pool, updated floors, lots of yard space and a large formal dining room to fit our HUMONGOUS family. Sadly, this has not been the easiest task as the market is changing and home prices are on the rise. But, we are faithful that we will find the perfect space in just a few short months and I can finally host a huge Thanksgiving spread for our entire family. Next up on the Hammonds calendar- Canada! We are really excited to see what kind of trouble we can get into in Vancouver. Does anyone have any recommendations on things to do, places to eat, etc?
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