This year.
This year started one way, and ended another. At the beginning of the year I was in graduate school while teaching 8th grade English. At the end of this year, I am now self-employed as a medical sales rep, out of graduate school, and finally feeling "ready" to take on God's special gifts of marriage and family. When my graduate program didn't quite fit my needs, I felt like I had failed myself and wasted all the hard work I put into it. Little did I know that God was leading me into a career that would more succinctly suit my personality and strengths as a professional.
My greatest lesson this year has been to let go and trust God. This is the single most important thing to do. When you can learn to trust His desire for your life, you seem to automatically do what is glorifying to Him, in even the most mundane of situations.
2013 will be a very great year for me, full of great change and great blessings. The Lord is preparing Michael and I for each other, and leading us into a path of love that trumps all others.
I wish to boldly set an example of Christ in all that I do & show compassion for those who so desperately need it. Who am I in this world that I SHOULDN'T proactively seek improvement for my brothers and sisters on earth?
My greatest lesson this year has been to let go and trust God. This is the single most important thing to do. When you can learn to trust His desire for your life, you seem to automatically do what is glorifying to Him, in even the most mundane of situations.
2013 will be a very great year for me, full of great change and great blessings. The Lord is preparing Michael and I for each other, and leading us into a path of love that trumps all others.
I wish to boldly set an example of Christ in all that I do & show compassion for those who so desperately need it. Who am I in this world that I SHOULDN'T proactively seek improvement for my brothers and sisters on earth?
1 Corinthians 12:25-26 says,
that there should be no division in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.
I wish to live this verse out proudly and loudly every day this new year.
God Bless
Cheers to an even better 2013!