Behold- the cutest couple in the world.

This Connecticut Indie-Rock duo
will make you feel light on your feet
and ready for love. I feel so incredibly happy and joyous after a run through one of their album's.

You can follow their adoralbe little lives at their blog here

All images from Google Images


  1. how beautiful. You're right cutest couple ever! AH DOOR AH BULL!

  2. there so cute.


  3. Ah .... coupledom ... what a challenge !

  4. you have THE best taste in music!!! this is awesome music and i love that they are a couple...and have a family? if those blonde kids are their kids...

  5. Darling you are amazing!!!! I live for this I love cute couples they make me feel like love is all over the world and it gives me a funny feeling in my stomach it might be crazy butterflies hahahaha!

    Thank you soooo much this is one of the reasons I love bloging!!!! Amazing post hun!

    They are soooooo cute♥

  6. I absolutely ADORE this band! I stumbled across your blog, randomly, searching for some photos of them! I discovered your blog is amazing. I immediately clicked "follow" :) The end.


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