nothing in this world like a sister.

I know people say this a lot, but seriously, my sister is my biggest inspiration. You will never meet a more witty, intelligent, free-spirited, 0r beautiful 25-year-old girl. People always point out that we have the same diction, speech, witty/cynical attitude and I never get sick of hearing it. To be compared to such an enrapturing person is an amazing honor. I could write pages upon pages of situations where my sister pulled me through some dark, scary times in my life but instead I want the world -and you sis- to know that you are the sole reason I am on the path I am today. The person who pushed me with words, steered me with love and nurtured me with an influence oozing with positivity. I am so stoked to visit you next month sis! For every one who's curious. Chelsea is in the Peace Corps Master's program at Rutger's in Camden, NJ. She leaves soon to a foreign country (currently unknown) to dedicate her knowledge and training to the bettering and development of this c...