rain in the desert.

When it rains in the desert- its inhabitants go insane.
I am incredibly in love with rain.
We took advantage of this wonderful occasion with a parking lot roof photo shoot taken with our little cameras.
and yes, I am guilty of being a really bad driver in the rain.
Oh and I just found out that I got accepted to University of Oregon's graduate program for Global Advertising. [speaking of rain]
I am very excited. [even though I still need to pray about it]
Expect rain :)


  1. thanks for the follow.
    lovely pictures!

  2. how fun! Congrats on getting accepted to Grad School!

  3. I love these photos! What camera did you use?

  4. adoring your blog.. gained a new follower :)

  5. Congrats on the acception!!

    I LOVE the desert ;) Death Valley is my favorite place on earth ~ not to far from you!

    Haven't been there in a couple years but when there, I feel alive. I might be glad I've missed the rain there though...

    Love the fun photos & your lovely comments
    !! You are adorable!

  6. Oh how cute! It was raining cats and dogs here in Nashville today!

    I love the rain, but not when I have to be dressed up and not when I drive because I can never see the lines in the road!!

    Enjoy the rain!

  7. This seriously looks like so much fun. Photos in the rain always turn out so pretty too! Also congrats on your acception, what an accomplishment!

    PS. You are beautiful.

  8. Congratualtions on the acception!! Keep us updated!!!! <3

    ps. thanks for your beautiful comment on my blog!!

    you made me smile ^_^

  9. Uber fun photos! And congrats on getting into your program!

  10. Congrats to you!!! & hooray for rain-in moderation... ; )


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