The other sister, nurse graduate.

My OTHER sister (not technically related but have known her since I was four and have looked up to her my whole life) graduated nursing school this weekend. What a success she is. Not only is she brilliant, beautiful and filled with the Holy Spirit, but she also has the ability to make incredibly witty jokes, drive her big truck like a tough woman, and listen to your problems and provide feedback that is genuine. I can remember being young and following her around like a pansy. She was SOOO cool. And, well, she still is. Whatever man in this world is lucky enough to call her his wife one day will have beat out some serious competition. Oh and her best friend Amanda is also like a sister (also pictured) and she lives an incredible married like in Rhode Island (her husband is in Law School and she is in school to become a teacher). I love these incredible woman. Can't wait to create memories with ya'll for the rest of my life.
We ate great food.
We enjoyed one another.
We celebrated life and the accomplishments of our sweet Jessie.
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