Dormir means to sleep

Jane's newest love is door knobs and doors. She loves opening and closing them, and mom is closely monitoring so she doesn't catch any of those precious, chubby fingers in the cracks. In other news, the title of my post is "Dormir mean to sleep." Dormir is the French verb "to sleep." My mom confession is that I am a better mom when I get a good night's rest. Those first few sleepless months with an infant are fueled by adrenaline alone. Then that starts to fade, and you need a better routine. Michael and I decided Jane would sleep in her own crib from the beginning. Since we exclusively breastfeed, that meant that mom would be up and down all night, picking her up from her crib, nursing her, then putting her back down. I would say from about months 3-6 this happened about three times per night. I didn't mind because I fell back asleep quickly and if I added the hours up, I always slept enough. But sometimes the constant feeding...