Jane's third birthday

We have a three-year-old, people! She's wild and beautiful, smart and fierce. This girl is definitely taking the world by storm. We are smitten over this little gal. She was so excited to plan her party. At first we were thinking a Peppa Pig theme (but then the show got really annoying to me and I just couldn't hang with that idea) then we were thinking unicorn theme, so I ordered a bunch of fun decor on Amazon. Then somehow the party turned into a Moana/unicorn theme. So, in true three-year-old fashion, we had a very mismatched, yet adorable party. Even Moana herself paid a visit! Jane Alexander Hammonds is the true definition of a girls girl. She loves all things makeup, nail polish, hair clips, dresses and pink! She even has quite an active social life. If she isn't reading books on her pink princess bed, she's jumping on the trampoline or stirring up something to eat in the kitchen. S...