Mae's Birth Story

I've been meaning to write this post for weeks now, but every free moment I get is usually spent catching a few extra ZZZ's or scrubbing the toilets. With both girls napping, I decided to do a quick blog post so I don't forget the details of bringing Mae Valentine Hammonds into the world. After holding on for 42+ weeks, I was STILL scheduled to be induced. I didn't want to be considering that with Jane, my labor was super painful due to the pitocin. I didn't want that darn stuff again! But lo and behold, my "pit" drip started at around 2 am on March 5, 2017. The nurse assured me it would be just a small amount since I was already dilated to a 3. Mike and I thought for sure we wouldn't deliver Mae until that night, but as the early morning hours crept past, I was dilating quickly. The overnight nurse couldn't believe how quickly I was progressing. I woke Mike up at around 5 and told him "babe, my contra...