Mes Condoléances

I told myself I would be more "on it" when it came to blog posts. I have fallen SO far behind. I don't have it in me to catch up for the past 6 months, so I will just pick up from where we are now :) It's the end of summer, and it's so, so sweet. The mornings are getting cooler, which means for frequent visits to the park & consequently, less time in the swimming pool. We did so much this summer. I never want to forget it. Moomar & Pap Pap stayed with us for a whole month while they waited for the finishings touches of their new home. We had a great time with them. Lots of great dinners, good wine, and even better laughs. We had a fabulous vacation/work-cation in San Diego. Jane loves the busy streets of the inner-city. It really speaks to her outgoing nature. She really is that baby that invites strangers to crank their neck just in hopes of snagging a quick glimpse. She is pure beauty and so much fun. Lately, her vocabulary is so vas...