Little tidbits

Life is surely moving fast. Jane is 8 weeks old, and mama is wondering where the time is all going. Our days start with mama, daddy, and baby time on the bed. We talk, do silly things to get smiles out of baby, and discuss how excited we are for the day to be over already so we can hang out together. Mama goes downstairs and makes a smoothie and packs dad's lunch. I usually put baby in her bassinet during this time and she occupies herself by taking the world in through her little eyes. Off goes dad to work and baby is usually ready for her 2nd breakfast (quite the little hobbit you are, sweetie). Then baby lays on a blanket on the floor and mama plays with her feet, hands, and toes. Mama usually takes 4-5 long videos and more photos than one can count. No worries, though, I have already upgraded my icloud space & dad has organized a couple of terabyte hard drives to keep everything stored and organized. We ...