Jiro Dreams of Sushi

Sometimes, it's super difficult to find something on Netflix that is worth watching; especially with respect to documentaries. What initially drew me into this flick was the fact that it was about food; my ultimate passion. What kept me interested throughout was the INCREDIBLE cinematography and sweet, intimate dialogue. Aesthetics and dialogue aside, the deeper value and meaning behind this film really inspired me to work harder in my career, not for self-satisfaction, but to please my parents and preserve their dynasty. Some notable quotes from the film: " Always look ahead and above yourself. Always try to improve on yourself. Always strive to elevate your craft. That's what he taught me." " These days the first thing people want is an easy job. Then, they want lots of free time. And then, they want lots of money. But they aren't thinking of building their skills. When you work at a place like Jiro's, you are committing to a trad...