
Showing posts from June, 2014

3 months postpartum

So, I gained a lot of weight during my pregnancy. 65 lbs to be exact. I weighed 120 before I got pregnant & I am 139 in this photo. I am SO determined to get this 19 lbs. off.  My diet is pretty simple. No sugar, no carbs, leans proteins and as many greens as possible.  Also, portion control is playing a huge part in this weight loss journey. I am exercising 4 times per week which usually ends up being 2 intense cardio workouts and 2 yoga sessions.  In the meantime, I am still enjoying a glass of red wine at night and some carbs and sugars on the weekends.  It CAN be done! :)

Headband baby

We had a headband-making station at my baby shower & I am so glad we did! I love trying on different headbands throughout the day. I don't keep them on her, however, because I just love the idea of no extra fluff when we are relaxing at home.  Love this beautiful girl.  #janealexander

11 Weeks

Our baby girl just keeps amazing us. She now sleeps in her crib from 8pm-6am without waking. She is starting to roll over, grab her feet with her hands and rock side to side, and express herself with facial expressions, smiles, and even little giggles. We are having so much fun with her. There is no greater joy!

Decorating our house.

Trying to find the time (and will) to sit down and really design the interior of our home. I have some really good ideas & am very anxious to get going.  So far, our home is pretty much a blank canvas with cream-colored, 10-foot walls and beautiful finishings.  I can't wait to stamp our imprint on this place to really make it seem like ours. I have purchased some beautiful rugs off of Amazon, and those I really love.  I just seem to need more inspiration.  Pinterest is great, don't get me wrong, but my mind becomes so cluttered & before I know it it's time to CLEAN OUT my Pinterest account. No thanks. Thankful that my backyard is roaring to go. No decor nécessaire.

We love Fridays

Because we get daddy for the next two days all to  ourselves. So excited to celebrate Mike's first Father's Day with our little girl. We love you, papa! 

Post-nap daze

She's always so unsure about life after a 4-hour nap. 

3.31.14 Jane Alexander
